Background for reflection
17/03/2025What role can contemporary art play in urban planning? The exhibition will be presented by the curatorial team of Šárka Zahálková and Václav Šafka. The evening will include a guided tour of the exhibition and a musical performance by Anna Černíková alias A/C.
Participating artists : Bára Bažantová, Virág Bogyó, Epos 257, Andreas Gajdošík, Oskar Helcel, Kája Hru, Markéta Kinterová, Karolína Kripnerová & Janek Rous, Tomáš Moravec, Eliška Perglerová & Iveta Šalamounová, Tadeáš Polák, Vladimír Turner, Ateliér Architektura 1 UMPRUM and others
A basis for reasoning could be described as a set of information, facts, arguments, or other data that informs decision-making at various institutional or systemic levels. It is the foundation on which to base considerations, formulate conclusions, or seek solutions to problems.
In the case of this exhibition, the basis for joint reflection is the past artistic and research projects and records of happenings or interventions by artists moving across media and genres. Although they were created in different time-space contexts and responded to the problems and challenges of different places and situations, they can in many ways be an inspiration for at least some of the current challenges of Ústí nad Labem, related to the urban development of the city, future changes in its landscape and life in it.
The presented artworks, our basis for your reflection, are in a sense an example of subtle actions, which, according to the metaphor of the British holistic physicist, philosopher and writer F. David Peat, are not spectacular and loud explosions, but gradually gain strength through the unobtrusive power of their small ripples. They are the breeding ground for building open dialogue and transformations of cities and places, they are a healing hacking of systems. Through them, we can gradually arrive at transformations of larger wholes. Participation does not only mean partnership, but also the ability to create conditions for the real involvement of the weaker and marginalized.
How we work on change is as important as the change itself.