

Who am I? What am I? My body? A memory, a dream? Does art help me know myself? And why art? Another instalment of the long-term project, which combines the format of an exhibition and a classroom and focuses on the theme of human identity. Identity has emerged as a central motif in the collaboration with young people, students, and adolescents. While the theme of the project/exhibition generally applies, further questions and answers are offered in the accompanying educational programmes. What is a mistake and when? What does it mean to be ordinary or indifferent, and when is our attention needed? What stereotypes and prejudices do we have when perceiving works of art and, above all, ourselves and others? The human form naturally takes centre stage; the body, its clothing, its behaviour. A person’s identity and the different ways of looking at it.

DOX Gallery
Curators: Ondřej Horák (Fuczik), Jiří Raiterman
Exhibiting artists: Andrea Baštýřová Lédlová, Milena Dopitová, Kamera
Skura, Lukáš Houdek, Thea JaCobra, Vladimír Turner


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